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500 grams 

Half Loaf 1.4 / 1.5 Kg. about

Whole form   2.8 / 3 Kg. about


Sardinian Pecorino Quercus cheese is a product aged for 150 days, with a smooth black rind and pale, compact yellow texture. It is described as tasty, fragrant, aromatic and slightly spicy. Produced in Sardinia, in Villamassargia, it is made with pasteurized sheep's milk, salt, calf rennet, and lactic ferments. The size is cylindrical and weighs approximately 3 kg.


Production area: Sardinia, Villamassargia
Ingredients: pasteurized sheep's milk, salt, calf rennet, lactic ferments

Origin of the Milk: Italy ( Sardinia)


Producer: Agralta agricultural consortium

Aged Pecorino Cheese - Quercus -

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review
PriceFrom €14.00


    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Based on 1 review
    1 review

    • Mauro PorrettaDec 26, 2024
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
      Pecorino Quercus

      il formaggio mi sembra ottimo, certamente non troppo stagionato, ma con un buon sapore, consiglio vivamente a coloro che non amano i formaggi dai sapori e aromi troppo intensi.

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