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Buzzonaglia of racing red tuna from Carloforte 160g

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THE  BLUE TUNA In the first ten days of February the school leaves from the northern seas and enters the Mediterranean waters through the Strait of Gibraltar at the beginning of spring. Here reproduction will take place, favored by the water temperature which is around 16 and 19° C. Fishing takes place in late spring, around the month of May, a period in which the tuna have not yet started the reproduction phase and their Meats are rich in fat and have a high nutritional value. For the production of our canning lines we purchase and process only tuna caught in the month of May using a sustainable method (hooks and lines).



It is obtained from the meat adjacent to the backbone, very fatty parts as they absorb the fats of the fish cartilage. It constitutes 16% of tuna and contains a quantity of fat equal to 33 g per 100 g of product.


Red Tuna Buzzonaglia

PriceFrom €7.00
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